Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Marcel Marlier-- "Debbie's Visit to the Countryside"

I spend a lot of time at the thrift store. I always have. There are just too many wierdly awesome things there from old childhood toys and creepy ceramic figurines to tacky clothes and old VHS tapes. My parents bought most of my clothes and toys from the thrift store when I was growing up and I guess I just never outgrew it. Aside from clothes, books are one of my absolute favorite things to buy thrifted. You never know what kind of gorgeous or completely off-the-wall vintage book you're going to find there and I've built up a sizable collection over the years with nothing but spare change! It's a resource few artists tap but I highly recommend giving it a shot.

Here are some illustrations from a book I found last month, that I've been meaning to scan and share. The book is "Debbie's Visit to the Countryside" by Gilbert Delahaye, illustrated by Marcel Marlier, 1980. It was so beautifully rendered, I couldn't resist.


  1. I grew up with Marcel Marlier's illustrations! Beautiful !

  2. Myself and my sisters loved this book more than anything else in our childhood. Our family was very poor until late 2000, who cannot afford such books. But through some source our father got this without even knowing what it was and who is the author(he was an illiterate), so it was like a Boon for us to get such book at that time .. we still has it with my sister's scribling like dog, sparrow, etc :)

  3. I am compiling a list of 40 books that have meant the most to me in celebration of my 40th birthday as part of a 40/40 bucket list project. This book is on the list! I love that others were captivated by it too. My list will soon appear at www.300rejections.blogspot.com. Check it out!

  4. I am compiling a list of 40 books that have meant the most to me in celebration of my 40th birthday as part of a 40/40 bucket list project. This book is on the list! I love that others were captivated by it too. My list will soon appear at www.300rejections.blogspot.com. Check it out!
